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Red Branch Irish Ale

Regular price $16.50

A rich, red ale in the Irish tradition, this ale glows from the addition of caramel and chocolate malts, with a delicate aroma of Pacific Gem and Fuggles hops. The name refers to a group of heroes in pre-Christian Ireland who fought for the O'Neill clan in Ulster.

5.1% alcohol/vol. 22BU

Growler Purchases:

Delivery/Pickup: We have 3 ways to get growlers: at the brewery, farmers markets or our drop off points. Select your option in the shipping point at checkout. Please see our Contact page for all the current details. We do not ship growlers to any other locations.

Order deadline: 3pm the day before

Empty Growlers: Empty growlers MUST be washed and have their caps removed (you can recycle them in metal recycling) or we will not accept them.

If you are returning empty growlers when you pick up your fresh ones, please enter one of the following discount codes on checkout:

MT1 = one empty, clean, lid off growler or pipsqueak

MT2 = two empty, clean, lid off growlers or pipsqueaks

MT3 = three empty, clean, lid off growlers or pipsqueaks

* got more growlers to return? Let us know in the comments section of your order or bring them with you for a refund online or in cash (your preference).